…says fathers are unsung heroes compared to mothers
From Kehinde Adewole
Brother Victor Godwin is a certified architect and a state executive member of the Nigerian Institute of Architects (NIA).
He is a devoted Christian and Choir leader with the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) in Ekiti State. In this chat with our Correspondent, he revealed that the Holy Spirit inspired him to eulogize and appreciate responsible fathers. He said the fathers have devoted their lives taking good care of their families and sacrificing their time and resources to raise them.
Brother Victor described fathers as unsung heroes, enjoining all to appreciate their love and sacrifice for their families. He also spoke about several other divine messages in his debut album, entitled : Mercy, Grace & Love. Excerpts:
Reporter: Let us start with an elaborate introduction sir?
Brother Victor : l am a dynamic gospel singer and songwriter. I gave my life to Christ in the year 1998 at a crusade tagged Jordan ’98 organised by The New Testament Christian Mission Int’l, Ilorin (kwara State), Nigeria and I have since then developed an unquenchable hunger and love for God.
By God’s grace, l have undergone thorough biblical (discipleship) training and spiritual mentorship under seasoned men of God in Bible believing ministries including my mother who is also a practical and devoted Christian.
Having discovered my gifts and call into ministry, l have over-time nurtured my skills and served at several locations as a teacher of the word, counselor, minister in drama, Chorister, music director and multi-instrumentalist.
I studied Architecture at the prestigious University of Jos and began lecturing in a Tertiary Institution after few years of private practice. I am currently a member of the Executive Council in a state chapter of the Nigerian Institute of Architects (NIA).
I am married to a beautiful wife and we are blessed with lovely kids.
Reporter: Ok, what kind of music would you describe as yours ?
Brother Victor: Gospel music
Reporter: What inspired you into gospel music sir?
Brother Victor: lt is a calling, one with a mandate which is to win souls, edify the church of God and to restore erring members of the household of faith. The inspiration is purely divine and spiritual.
Although, the medium and style of communication can be diversified considering the nature of the target audience, yet the message remains the unchanged.
Reporter: What is the title of this release and is this your first effort?
Brother Victor: The title is Mercy, Grace and Love. Well I have been around the gospel music scene for a while, operating in several capacities but yes, this is my first official albu
Reporter: Ok, how many songs in all and what messages in particular are you intending to pass on to all through the album?
Brother Victor: The album has 10 tracks in all, and they each carry different messages, ranging from emphasis on Christian doctrine, praises and adoration to God, celebration of marriages and birthdays, celebration of fathers and their sacrifices for their families, the believers’ dedication and commitment to the life of the cross…. Jesus’ death and resurrection among ithers..
Reporter: Yes, the figure of father, what inspired the celebration of father in your album, some personal experience?
Brother Victor:.. like I said earlier, my songs are devinely inspired, I hear from God and write. He is the one who has called me, I am a mere messenger.
Whereas my personal experiences (as a father) and observation from happenstances around me might have contributed in someways to the lyrical style and method of delivery but the spirit of God led me to write that particular song to edify and encourage his sons who have been playing the dynamic roles of fathers as complicated as it gets in our present dispensation with very little or no appreciation.
Most people argue and generalize that fathers are bad, selfish and non-challant towards the welfare of their children as compared to mothers but the truth is that our fathers, especially those in the household of faith, are actually the unsung heroes and strong pillars behind most of the positive outlook our society still retains.
Reporter: Given the fact that gospel music do not sell in Nigeria, what advice do you have for fellow gospel musicians like you about survival in that ministry?
Brother Victor: Hmmm……l don’t know if I am in the position to be givinh advices yet oo, but here are few tips that worked for me and might work for others too.
They should first make certain that they have been called into that ministry, and this is not just about having good voice or playing a few instruments; because the one with the calling of God will always enjoy the backing of God.
Secondly, they should find means of diversifying their sources of income, everyone needs multiple streams of income in our present day society.
Thirdly, they should learn to painstakingly create good content and invest wisely in their music.
Reporter: Who is or are your mentor(s) in the gospel music industry and why?
Brother Victor: I don’t have any mentor, God has been my guide. I only have a few people you could may be refer as role models whom I really admire the dimension of God’s grace and the outpouring of God’s anointing upon their lives, they are Dr. Paul Enenche, Dr. Sonnie Badu and Pastor. Nathaniel Bassey.