“What should I do, Lord?” Act 22:10
The highly accomplished Apostle Paul left an indelible mark on the sand of time.
His impact and relevance is trans generational.
He was said to have turned the world upside down i.e he caused a revolution.
His unequalled accomplishment was traceable to a prayer he prayed, or rather a question he asked right at the onset of his career.
Seeing God as his Employer, he asked,
“What should I do, Lord?” That is, what is my J.D — Job description? It was amazing how God quickly spelt it out for him.
Paul knew exactly what he was doing, why he was doing it, and who he was working for.
What a difference it would make in our world if our younger ones could recognize the ultimate Employer — God, and began to ask Him of their Job Description long before it’s time to choose their careers.
Our workforces are full of many square pegs in round holes.
We have numerous “professionals” who lack passion, compassion and conviction.
Their heads are full but their hearts are empty. Whereas, it takes a heart to make a mark on the earth.
No one knows a product better than the manufacturer. No one understands a creature more than the creator.
Even if I have the manual for a product, it’s not as important as having an access to the manufacturer.
We must open a communication line between our next generation and their ultimate Employer — God.
They must learn early how to consult Him.
They must be aware that He’s the closet to them — the very present help in trouble.
They must know He’s an expert communicator ; even the inanimate objects hear and understand Him.
They must know that their CALLER is always on the line, and they don’t need a COLLAR to hear from Him.
They should pick the call now and ask Him; “What should I study, what should I learn, and like Apostle Paul; What should I do, Lord?”
“Life and career would be hard if the student knows his lecturer without his Manufacturer.”
… Oluseye TAIWO.