The moment fans have been waiting for has arrived as Angela K Deem and Michael Ilesanmi finally got married in Nigeria.
Michael’s family was there for the ceremony, while Angela’s family stays back in the United States as they were unable to attend, but her friend, Jojo is there to serve as her much-needed witness.
The wedding was magical, and the reception was even better. It’s full of good times for all involved, and Michael’s mother, Aduke, even takes the time to give Angela and Michael some wise advice now that they’re married.
Angela wears a white wedding dress complete with a veil, and she walks down the aisle toward her future with Michael. Her husband-to-be sports a purple suit, and he’s smiling when Angela makes her way to the end of the aisle.
“Seeing Angela walking down the aisle, it was so wonderful,” Michael tells the cameras. “And I mean Angela looks beautiful, sexy, young, adorable.”
It’s finally time to say the vows, and of course it doesn’t happen smoothly. Michael says his vows first, but when it gets to be Angela’s turn and the words “to obey” are said to her to repeat, her reaction had some fans holding their breath.
“What?” she asks. “Obey what? And obey who?” Suddenly, Angela laughs, and just barely gets the word “obey” out through gritted teeth. Despite the issue with the word “obey,” Angela and Michael are now officially married.
Michael’s mother has some wise advice for Angela and Michael now that they’re married
The reception is lovely, and Angela and Michael wear color-coordinated outfits. There is dancing, laughter, and fun for everyone who attends the reception. Of course, Michael’s mother, Aduke, was there for the ceremony and the reception. There’s even a scene of her dancing and having a good time along with everyone else.

She also has some advice for Angela and Michael when talking to the cameras. “I am happy for Angela and Michael,” she tells producers. “My advice to them, they should not quarrel. I pray they get all they want and they are successful.”
There is an adorable scene of Angela, Michael, and Aduke dancing all together and having a good time. Everyone is smiling, and it’s nice to see. Next, the couple cuts the cake, which is decorated in the colors of both their country’s flags.
It’s clear that not having her family there was difficult for Angela. However, Michael’s family helped fill the void for her. “Not having my family here, it was very very hard,” Angela tells the cameras. “But being here and his family really made me forget that for a moment.”
Angela and Michael are finally married in Nigeria. Hopefully, they will take Aduke’s advice and not fight from now on. We’ll have to see where things go for the newly-married couple.
On 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After, Angela Deem is finally back in Nigeria with Michael Ilesanmi, and this time they’re getting married. The couple has definitely had their ups and downs, and this trip to Nigeria is no different.
Angela finally fills Michael in about her health, and they receive the news together that Angela thankfully doesn’t have cancer. However, it leads Michael to question how important a baby is for him, considering Angela has no more eggs left and her doctor says there could be complications for Angela to carry a child at her age.
This week, Angela and Michael tell some of Michael’s family where things stand, and it could be foreshadowing how Michael’s mother will take the news.
Michael and his family really want him to have a baby.
Michael has been adamant from the start that he wants a child. Being a father is very important to him, as well as to his family. Michael is 32-years-old, and Angela is 54. Although there is an age difference, that hasn’t stopped either one of them from being together. However, it’s expected in Michael’s family that he’ll have children, so the idea of him not procreating might be hard for them to accept.
Angela has said she can “tote a baby” for Michael, but when she went to her doctor, she got some bad news. A doctor in Nigeria told Angela she had one egg left, but it turns out she no longer does. She also went to a doctor in the United States after experiencing some bleeding. The worst part is that the doctor is concerned that Angela could have cancerous cells in her uterine lining. She undergoes a painful procedure to determine if she could have cancer or not.
There could be complications for Angela to ‘tote a baby’
Angela sits down with Michael in a nature preserve in Nigeria, and she tells him what’s going on. Angela insists that she can still “tote a baby” with a donor egg. Michael asks Angela if having a baby is no longer an option, and she says it is, but her health is more important.
“I’m just worried, not only about the cancer, but about how you feel because you’re so adamant, you and your mom, about a baby. What worries me is if I can’t have a baby, you will go find someone that can,” Angela explains to Michael.
Michael seems to be concerned about the situation. “This is a big question for me,” Michael replies. “This is what I want, and we’ve been talking about it, about having a baby, for years. I have to think about it.”
Angela calls the doctor and learns that she thankfully doesn’t have cancer. There’s no signs of a polyp or cancer, and Angela is flooded with relief. However, the doctor admits there are “challenges,” considering Angela is also older, which increases her risk of complications during pregnancy.
What happens when Angela tells some of Michael’s family about her fertility issues?
This week, Angela and Michael head out to try some wedding cakes for their impending nuptials, which is only one week away. Angela and Michael are worried about what Michael’s family will say when they learn that Angela can’t have her own baby for Michael.
Michael invites his Aunt Lydia and his half-sister Bukky to try different cake options with them for the wedding. They discuss the upcoming ceremony, and there’s already some tension when it’s revealed that the wedding is going to be in a more American-style as opposed to traditional in their culture. Michael’s Aunt Lydia says the family would like to help pay for some of the wedding, which will ease the burden off of Angela and Michael a bit. This is good news for the happy couple, but then the topic of babies gets brought up.
Angela decides to tell Michael’s aunt and sister about her fertility issues. “I went to a gynecologist, and she told me that I don’t have any eggs. My age, toting a baby could really health risk me. It’s a potential I can tote one, but it’s really… We need to think about this,” Angela explains.

Michael’s family isn’t happy about the news, since they all expect Michael to have a child. “To be sincere, I wasn’t happy,” Lydia tells the cameras. “Because when I heard the news of the one egg, I was hoping and praying that something will come out of it.”
“If Angela can’t carry it, they can just get a surrogate mother to carry it for them,” Michael’s sister Bukky says.
Michael’s aunt tries to explain that people will be looking for a baby to come after they are married. “Michael knows as a Nigerian, once you got married, the next thing people will be looking for is your baby,” Lydia tells Angela.
‘I’m not putting up with side chicks’
After an awkward silence, Angela tells them maybe they should think about Michael’s feelings. She doesn’t hold back, and tells them how it’s going to be. She won’t be dealing with another wife or women in the picture, that’s for sure.
“I think it’s very sad that he feels that he has to satisfy the family,” Angela tells them. “I think that’s very wrong. Yes, it’s the culture, but if we can’t, then that shouldn’t put a burden on him to have to leave me. Even as a Nigerian man, let him be his own man. Because I’m not putting up with side chicks. I’m not doing that. I’m not putting up with a second wife. I’m not doing that.”
Lydia explains that Michael’s mother is the real problem in the whole thing when it comes to Michael having a child. Angela asks Michael if his mother told him not to marry her, what he would do. “I’m going to be with you,” Michael reassures Angela.
Hopefully, Michael and Angela can sit down and talk with Michael’s mother about this, and there will be a positive outcome for everyone involved.
•Source: 90 Day Fiancé