By the Grace of the Grace, the on-going insinuation, in recent times aimed at brainwashing our people to believe that anyone who is physically challenged with one ailment or the other is as a result of COVID-19, is entirely wrong. We should not allow such negative, but unfounded propaganda to gain currency in our minds at all. If one may ask, what is COVID-19? What kind of illness is it? Where did it come from?
Answers to the above pertinent questions, we already know is common knowledge. Hence, we should not allow ourselves to be mesmerized or scared by the COVID-19 made in China political weapon to depopulate the inhabitants of materially disadvantaged economies around the world, particularly Africa, The Light Continent, by the Special Grace of Maharaj Ji.
We should recall that The Great Light mellowed the hearts of people like Madam Melinda Gates, ex-wife of Bill Gates, to expose the real intentions of the manufacturers of the race-induced selective merchant of death called COVID-19, when the woman raised alarm that dead bodies will litter all the nooks and crannies of Africa, no thanks to COVID-19 pandemic.
At the end of the day, we knocked all of them down and the whole evil game of hatred became a “back to sender” affair and they paid dearly for it, since man reaps what he sows. They are yet to fully recover from
the shock waves that reverberated across Europe, America and Asia in terms of the unprecedentedly high rate of fatalities suffered by them against all expectations, to the contrary.
This is because, if it was for hygiene, education, literacy, respect, dignity as seen or recognized in respect of one’s personality as a director, manager, engineer etc., Europe and their allies in crime of hatred would have been okay and free from COVID-19, leaving Africa as an underdog, as expected.
But today, contrary to their expectations they are under lockdown despite their unprecedented material advancement.
This is against the backdrop of the fact that, if you go to the North, for instance, people live in slums, they urinate anyhow, defecate here and there and still eat, drink and dance within the same vicinity or even South-South, that throws their faeces inside the same water they fetch to drink, yet they look robust, healthy and strong.
You will recall that even people mentioned that the death of Michael Jackson is as a result of drug overdose, but in reality, the journey started when he wore a T-Shirt bearing the name Oduduwa, which was seen as an affront to the White Aristocracy, because the word Oduduwa is associated with Living Perfect Masters. So, spiritually they queried him, that whereas, he became a billionaire in the name of Jesus, why now is he using Oduduwa? That was the beginning of the hunt to eliminate Michael Jackson.
Hence, undergoing plastic surgery, having/using special kits to prevent germs here and there was just to show that he was passing through severe attacks from the unseen.
The same way with Fela Ransome-Kuti, during the regime of Chief Obasanjo, he didn’t do anything harmful. His only fault was that the Northern Oligarchy as at that time, didn’t find it comfortable in a country where it was claimed that no Southerner can become President of Nigeria for someone like Fela coming up strong and so the onslaught to destabilize Kalakuta Republic was a decision taking out of fear by Yar A’dua and the Oligarchy from the North, who saw Fela more or less like an opposition to the army. The President can’t deny himself without responsibly and so, when eventually he died, they just wanted to put the cause of his death as HIV/AIDS. But in the eyes of those who are spiritually conscious, he didn’t die of HIV/AIDS.
He died of extra-terrestrial pressure from the Oligarchy in the North for attempting to whistle-blow the presence of Maharaj Ji on earth.
The same way with Odi, the order the President gave wasn’t to eliminate all the people of Odi, but to search, investigate and find out the culprits, but Yar A’dua took it upon himself to effect it. The same way with Odumakin, he stepped on the toes of the Oligarchy in the North because of what he said. The forensic analysis of the cause of his death and the fact that he didn’t understand that there is need for Divine Knowledge, in order to be able to perfectly give a pscho-analysis of every situation that will expose his position as a billionaire who has met ordinary poor, and the only way is to supply them the money to feel happy instead of the way people are expressing themselves, which always leads to conflicts/ killings
So, don’t forget, you could be the next target! Your best option is to receive Divine Knowledge.
This in itself is enough for our highly brainwashed neo-colonialists paper-tiger elites to realize how blessed we are to have in our midst the Great Light that swallows all kinds of negativities within split seconds, because Light abhors any form of darkness, like sickness, poverty, unemployment, brain-drain, accidental and untimely death, pandemics and disasters inclusive, which must give way when light comes.
Right now, we are sustaining the economies of the materially advanced economies in Europe, America and Asia, because they are the producers of the finished goods we consume. Sadly enough, they are the ones dictating the tunes as we lack the productive capacity to challenge their dominance over the world economy.
As avaricious consumers, we have to buy the best of their cars, phones, television, radios etc., as status symbols for announcing our presence wherever we are and also depend on them to cater for even our health, food and security needs because we can’t boast of anything in the bargain.
Hence, we should wake up and stop such negative speculative guess work, because through My Divine Knowledge, people now know that sickness and indeed all health challenges afflicting man is as a result of spiritual injections given to those who are spiritually bankrupt and vulnerably disposed as guinea pigs in the hands of spiritual criminals/minor organizers.
Hence, the current negative propaganda is in furtherance of the evil game plan to sap our pure energy and plunder our resources and we must not allow it.
In conclusion, COVID-19 is not for Africans because we are lovers naturally. Our weather is very warm and friendly. So long as we eat pepper soup, feel happy, loving and friendly, COVID-19 will be afraid to knock on our doors till a day after forever.
My Love and Blessings
Satguru Maharaj Ji
(Living Perfect Master)