A landlord in Canada on Saturday, May 27, 2023, killed a young engaged couple who were living in his building over an apparent housing dispute.
He has also been shot dead by the police.
The 57-year-old landlord fatally shot Carissa MacDonald and Aaron Stone who were his tenants outside a home in Stoney Creek, Ontario, Canada.
MacDonald and Stone were already dead when police officers reached the scene in the evening of that day.
According to Detective Sergeant Steve Berezuik, the couple was fleeing the residence when they were shot.
“They are truly innocent victims, this is a very tragic incident,” he said.
The landlord whose identity was not revealed barricaded himself in the residence when police arrived and armed himself with multiple firearms registered in his name as negotiators tried to convince him to surrender peacefully for several hours.
“We spent considerable time last night on the phone in attempts to negotiate a peaceful resolution with the male suspect,” Bereziuk said.
The now-deceased landlord went ahead to shoot at an armored police vehicle and then shot multiple times at officers which made them fire back, resulting in his death.
The late young couple was recently engaged to marry.
Detective Sergeant Bereziuk had said that the dispute didn’t involve a missed rental payment.
“The early indication on that is it sounds like there was some type of dispute regarding the state of the home.
“The specifics I don’t think I’ll get into at this point in time,” he said.