A homeless man was on Wednesday nearly lynched to death in Ibadan on allegations of being s homosexual. The man who was said to be an European returnee was reportedly rescued from the homophobic mob.
Eyewitness account at the scene said the man was targeted and subsequently attacked by the local vigilante and some youths in the area.
A resident of the area where the incident happened told journalists that the abandoned building where the man was living in was a hideout where young men who were involved in homosexuality had their rendezvous adding that, the Police have raided the place on many occasions and have arrested some men.
Preferring anonymity due to the sensitive nature of the subject matter, the resident seemed to be in agreement with those who carried out the action on the man because “they are engaged in a very devilish act that is alien to our cultural values.”
The head of the community was asked for conformation but he referred us to the police station as he said the law enforcement agencies were aware of the incident.
The victim of the attack who identified himself as LMO because he did not want his name in print was recovering whent we met him. He detailed the various difficulties he has faced since his return to the country.
He said he has been ostracized by the people who he expected to be of support and has found it hard to make friends as he has been tagged as culturally non-conforming.
He said his next line of action was still unknown but what was paramount to him was to ensure his safety in the face of different threats ranging from legal consequences and societal non-acceptance.