A media organization named as Ann Kioko and the entire CitizenGo has called on US government to stop funding World Health Organization for promoting acts armful to female folks in the society.
In an email sent to LiveTimesNG and titled, “What the media is not telling you”, the organization said when WHO receives public funds from African countries these funds are used to…
Create and support a curriculum for comprehensive sexuality standards, which teaches “masturbation” to children from ages 0 to 4.
Promote abortion as a human right.
Lobby countries to legalize abortion.
Partner with Planned Parenthood and other abortion activists.
Support the legalization of prostitution.
Force doctors to perform sex reassignment surgery on children.
Read details below as sent to LiveTimesNG…..

“If you turn on your television, the talking heads of the media are attempting to discredit the decision of U.S. President Donald Trump to suspend U.S. funding to the World Health Organization (WHO).
But, what they aren’t telling you is WHO’s record.
When WHO receives public funds from African countries these funds are used to:
Create and support a curriculum for comprehensive sexuality standards, which teaches “masturbation” to children from ages 0 to 4.
Promote abortion as a human right.
Lobby countries to legalize abortion.
Partner with Planned Parenthood and other abortion activists.
Support the legalization of prostitution.
Force doctors to perform sex reassignment surgery on children.
The U.S. contribution is only 15% of WHO’s budget and President Trump is under heavy pressure to reverse his decision.
That’s why we need your help to write to African Union and G20 leaders. Sign our petition to demand they stop sending public money to the World Health Organization.
A global “health” organization that pumps billions annually into our society to harm children is not needed. And, The US’ plan to defund WHO is offering us a real opportunity to see an end to their global agenda that opposes our values.
However, to make up for the loss of funding from contributions made by the United States, WHO and its ideological allies are calling for increased voluntary donations from other countries.
And, African and G20 countries are top on that list.
Thank you”,
Ann Kioko and the entire CitizenGo Team”, the mail read.