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Media organization raises alarm as Malawi becomes first East African country to legalize abortion

A media organization, Ann Kioko and the entire CitizenGO Team has raised an alarm as Malawi becomes first East African country to legalize abortion.

In an email sent to LiveTimesNG, the organization is calling for people around the globe to sign petition against the heinous act.

The email read below…

“Have you heard the bad news from Malawi?

Malawi’s National Assembly is about to start discussing the “Termination of Pregnancy” bill which will see to the legalization of abortion on demand in the country.

This bill will also compel doctors to procure or refer abortions despite their religious convictions against killing of babies.

Additionally, the bill would allow “safe” and “legal” abortions in cases of fetal anomalies, cases of rape or incest, and if the pregnancy is said to threaten the physical or mental health of the mother.

This comes after a lot of pressure from International pro-abortion groups to the East African country.
We need to get 10,000 signatures as soon as possible so that we can stop this very bad bill from being discussed in the Malawian parliament. Sign here to stop the legalization of abortion in Malawi.

The church in Malawi, the Christian Medical Association and Concerned Citizens of Malawi have offered statements against this bill, it is evident that the bill is only serving the interests of a few cultural  imperialists who are after overturning Malawi’s pro-life laws.
Thank you for standing to be counted.

Ann Kioko and the entire CitizenGO Team

P.S. If you have already signed, please share the petition with your friends.

Here’s the email we sent you earlier on this:

The parliament in Malawi is about to start the process of legalizing abortion in the country.

Through a “Termination of Pregnancy” bill, Malawi will legalize abortion on demand and jail anyone who bars a pregnant woman from accessing abortion.

This billl is sponsored by cultural imperialists who are after overturning pro-life laws in the entire of Africa.

Kindly stand with Malawians, sign this petition to ask the Christian president of Malawi to reject this bill in its entirety.


Dear Oluwadare,

Pro-abortion groups have revived very controversial Termination of Pregnancy Bill and are pressuring the Malawi National Assembly to discuss the bill in the current sitting.

The bill which has an outright pro-abortion title seeks to legalize abortion in the pro-life and underpopulated East African Country.

The contents of the bill are outrageous, under section 15 the bill declares that a pregnant woman can walk in and demand an abortion:- which must be offered to her as it will be legal if the bill is an act.

The bill also fails to define who a woman is, this means any pregnant female regardless of age has a legal entitlement to abortion, notwithstanding this could be a teenager who is under parental authority.
Kindly sign this petition to help stop the legalization of abortion in Malawi

The bill also proposes jailing and fining of medical practitioners who fail to offer abortion on demand or refer the abortion seeking client to another doctor. The first doctor who objects the abortion due to either religion or conscience must make sure the doctor who they recommend the client to MUST offer the abortion which still binds all doctors to abortions.

Malawi has a low population of 19 Million which translates to 0.25 percent of the World’s population and 203 people per square kilometer. This would mean the country would need to invest more in fertility rates as opposed to abortion.

Out of the 19Million inhabitants, 95 percent are Christians whose religious beliefs are against abortion.
Add your name, stand with Malawi as they face this new challenge of cultural colonialism by pro-abortion groups

Abortion clinics Marie Stopes have been present in the country under the disguised names and they would be the greatest beneficiaries of legal abortion as this is their major business.

International Pro-abortion groups IPAS and International Planned Parenthood Federation have been pushing to have abortion legal in entire Africa despite the outrage and resistance this has sparked.

The Malawi populace has resisted this abortion bill, you need to stand with them now.
Kindly join in asking the president of Malawi to reject this bill that will see to the overturning of the country’s pro-life law

Thanks for all you do,

Ann Kioko and the entire CitizenGO Team”