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Read new method scammers exploit to hack into bank accounts (See tips to secure your account)

It is advisable to go to your bank personally so not to fall victims of fraudulent message by online scammers.

Please be aware that fraudsters have developed new software and devised a new method of defrauding people, as the former trick of sending an SMS telling you that your ATM has been deactivated due to system upgrade or BVN issues, is no longer working well for them because people are very much aware of that trick now.

A new trick by them now is to send you an email supposedly, to have been sent by your bank e-mail service informing you that you have been debited #2,000 as subscription fee for the bank’s monthly digest magazine and the charge will continue every month (and indeed, any information that you did not request or even requested).

And the message would read that to unsubscribe and cancel that monthly deduction from your account, you should click here (a link is given there).

Meanwhile, once you click the link, it will open up a page where you will be asked to supply your bank details including ATM information.

So, that is now the information they need to enable them access and clear your account.

Please remember not to reply such email, do not click the link to cancel the magazine subscription. Just ignore or delete the email and your account will be safe and nothing would be deducted for the false magazine.

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