This wouldn’t happen if Tiwa Savage didn’t divorce the one man who really loved her. There would be no sextape if she remained with the father of her only son who almost ended his life when he realized he wouldn’t get the opportunity to be by her side anymore.
Till the end of time, Queen B (Beyonce) will always be praised. When Jay-Z cheated on her with a woman she’s prettier than, Queen Beyonce fought the lady and warned her to stay off her legally married husband.
The weeks that followed Jay-Z’s infidelity scandal were terrible. Feminist organizations on Twitter , millions of her female followers on Instagram and those who couldn’t preserve their Hollywood marriages unanimously encouraged her to dump Mr. Carter.
Queen Beyonce went underground. The next we saw her was by her husband’s side. She’d get pregnant with her twins within few months.
Beyonce is finer and more famous than Tiwa but she understood one thing: Men are biologically polygamous grin and she remains a happy woman today.
If Tiwa was with her ex-husband, the broke gold digger, whose second motive in the relationship is to brag that he’s the one making Tiwa moan, wouldn’t be in the picture.
The duty of mothers is to teach their daughters how to be feminine. Submission is the first characteristic of femininity. No virtuous mother on Earth would advise her daughter to leave a good man whose only weakness is cheating. She’d rather her daughter encourages the man to protect himself to avoid STDs.
May God Almighty bless me with more wisdom and give all the men on this forum rich , strong and independent wives who will forgive their shortcomings.
May the Good Lord also give ladies who will quote me the grace to be submissive wives who will forgive their caring husbands who only cheat.
•From anonymous writer on Nairaland
There is no intelligence in your write up, just a string of manipulative words that happened to get online to keep men from learning lessons and keep woman under their control or oppression so they don’t leave but appear like a humble and loyal wife that lis like a clones machine. I am not writing to get your agreement I am writing to advise you to stop insulting women’s intelligence. Some ppl are more intelligent than you are and you are not going to speak their voice. the moment you mentioned submission I threw your write up into a trash cause you are too suppressive and mentally manipulative cause that’s what manipulative ppl say they scream submission a lot if a man wants some money or sex or emotional control he can just flip the holy books we know the drill how corny men are so let me serve you a plate of knowledge… ..stop all those let’s control your happiness”* tactics are you serious about this write up for real cause it’s laughable and insulting. . . You are not God who chooses the ones he calls his own and responsible. .. Sit down!!! The music industry is built to intimidate great women and you are doing thesame right now but we know the narcissistic nature of some males so slow your roll am here to respond to this post so yalm read the the mind of women who are pissed with your sad and losers mentality …
You need to leave women alone and leave the way!!!! Now listen carefully! a man must learn to build his home and stop using women to solve his spoilt character and we must say no to blackmail Tiwa is still a hero.. I hate sexual hypocrisy… Train your men well to have marital values and sexual values and leave the women alone!!! woman are not dumping ground for your mess so man up!like they say!!! F you are a woman who wrote this kindly heal from your misorginy!!
Your wite up gives the vibe of a scorned woman and a mediocre rather than a woman who chooses healthier relationships… Stop whining about the mistakes of an artist who made a video of herself which could have being avoided we all know it’s childish to record sex but some ppl see it as their wild fantasy but yall won’t dead the issue.. I don’t know why… Now you think you can spite women through it again for standing for their peace by assuming staying in an abusive relationship that doesn’t t have anything to do with American marriages or cultural approach . LISTEN CLEARLY!!
Stop insulting the l intelligence of women about marriage, they are not your Puppets or your kids okay you didn’t choose the man for them or did you control them to so if it threatened their peace and lie they can live. , with std complications according to you you don’t know MARRIAGE IS ABOUT!!! marriage is a bond and contract before the std.and it is wrong for a woman to encourage his man to use sleep with anyone because he lacks control as a broken fence by advising protection.. Wack a*s Naija mentality.. Hello memory spike!!! first marriage is a union designed by God for two ppl not many and you carry the energy and spirit of many with you when you sleep with random and bring that home then yall start having issues with your marriage and other aspect of your life.. Marriage is spiritual as well. how ignorant are you!!! Hide yourslef
You don’t know cheating is trauma and extreme abuse of women but because of financial limitations of those women yall call their staying behind loyal.. How naive of you.!! but you know it is to men trauma and they can’t take it they leave without a blink.. Jokes on you.. Submission freaks…
That means you don’t care about pains woman go through you are a sexist so your write up is disposable and insensitive am not surprised I have read worse before but it’s not working friend. I know ppl like you are into gender competition with women or fighting for masculinity low key… Let me expose your deal here
.. stop abusing the word submission to Intimidate women into staying in abusive relationships that has killed many till date we have nothing to prove to you public we have our selfves to prove life to. Okay..??? , stop encouraging women to fight women to compete for men who cheat you typed ignorantly and disrespectfully…
Instead discourage cheating in men and careless behavior and advise them to learn how to stay loyal and faithful to God first and to their spouse, stop raising Tbills issue the drug abuser, who rendered Tiwa bankrupt and cheated on her while put her through miscarriage and trauma and later wants to hurt himself because of the consequences of his action because he was her manager no more exploitation of any kind was available to him anymore . He never cared about her that was why the h abused woman left.the abuser stays… Okay read on… .
I see you twisted the whole narrative comparing American culture to Nigerian culture.. Women in the USA don’t play when they swing into action they humble you men of all races so don’t get all excited about Beyonce, Beyonce is nobody’s role model, she doesn’t t carry the h spirit and soul of every woman, I don’t know her and she is not my spiritual guide or any woman’s life. Yall spend your lives reading ppl on the outside just to fuzz at others. Beyonce carries her baggage and her situation alone and she knows how to to deal with relationships if the man is willing.
.. She is just an artist ppl love. Stop comparing women to another lecture for you. It’s irritating , stop comparing marriages, stop saying submissions is the first value of a feminity the first value of feminity is self respect and self preservation not ppl on the outside of her life she is submitting to their control or manipulations you ain’t smart out here read on!!!
you as a stranger stop deciding with your keyboard the fate of any woman out here it’s disgusting when a random person on the outside or on the internet thinking he can start telling any woman what makes her happy laughable.. … Are you the man in Tiwa’s life making her happy right now if not how come you think you are in good position to speak for her.. Stop getting ahead of yourslef and if you are a woman stop devaluing women with this ridiculous write up we have had enough..
stop preaching their idea of toxic marriages and toxic masculinity that is common in your society to appear like women are good and home makers stop the dramatic false display of marriages of an unfulfilled woman. society calling an abused woman or a woman killed by domestic violence or a cheating spouse a humble and loyal ridiculous. You must have sistester so type wisley.. .. Stop abusing religion to suit your selfish believes its the nature of males
. Stop harrassing women. The only thing that could have avoided the situation was to just stop making sex tapes a warning to ppl who do it cause it’s common. . Its common sense writer.. Even couples sex tape gets leaked, former lovers do bad stuff that are mostly males so the problem is with males without respect for sexual privacy who sleep around and try to shame women.. Its so game over its 2021 that’s on the male gender.the change should come from them, Tbills called tiwa prostitute and put her on blast before anything claiming she slept with other artists that defamation of character we stood by Tiwa and now we are still standing you leave the way!!!!
.. .. Don’t ever come for women again.. You are too, too suppressive and you are manipulating religion. Each woman knows what she want not you!!! If a man wants a home he will work towards it not teh woman alone so pls write without gender bias and sensitivity… Don’t try to appear religious when you are not or use it to pass false message ppl hate it it’s called manipulation… about this thing called inflated male ego stop advertising it. It’s irritating naturally.. and by the way there is no such thing as a good cheating man. This is ridiculous… Money or material provisions cannot buy a woman’s worth or hapiness mistakes you men make..and call it care. Respect womahood she can afford herself those things… But respect the person/woman Inquote as you would expect as a male and stop trying to get manipulative around woman’s worth!!!!!!!! Don’t send this article to any woman out there again!!!!you can see the mor eyou write to suit and benefit men the more you fail!!!