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pastors claim to invite Jesus from heaven

Reincarnated ‘Jesus’ denies deportation from Kenya, blamed internet trolls for fake news

The white man who was seen in Kenya as the newest incarnation of Jesus has denied the report that he has been deported from the country. According to him, the reports are fake and he’s still in Kenya carrying out the Lord’s work, saying fake news is handiwork of internet trolls. The man has however…

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Kenya Government deports 53 years old fake ‘Jesus’, arrest pastors who invited him to church gathered Tuesday night that Kenya’s Government has arrested and deported the 53 year old Whiteman who has been going around, taking money from Kenyans to perform miracles, and secure seats for them in heaven. Hinamundi Collins (Kenya) Reporter in the Daily Afrika news channels reported. The two church pastors who invited and empower him,…

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Kenyan, South African pastors claim to invite ‘Jesus’ from heaven (video)

Two pastors, one from Kenya and the other from South Africa has claimed to have found ‘Jesus’ and invited him from heaven. According to the yet-to-be identified pastors, they reportedly invited the ‘Jesus’ to their churches and had him dressed as the biblical version of the son of God. Two twitter users, @DeSaylor1 and @Kennytexxkkk…

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