” … who shall deliver me from the body of this death?” (Romans 7:24)
If you think Nigerian soldiers are ruthless and brutal, you ain’t seen anything yet. You’ve got to check out the Roman Soldiers.
They had several ways of killing people slowly and painfully.
Crucifixion was their initiative. That is, nailing someone to the cross until he gives up the ghost.
Another one is tying the criminal to a running horse till he’s confirmed dead.
The pattern of execution Paul was referring to above seems to be the most brutal I could imagine.
In this case, the offender still alive and fresh is tied up with a corpse. I mean a dead body.
As the dead body decays and decomposes, it will generate unimaginable infections which will slowly, nauseatingly and disgustedly kill the offender.
Apostle Paul screamed for help when he suddenly discovered the similarities between a natural man/woman, and the criminal tied to a corpse.
The Adamic nature in us is like a corpse helplessly attached to us. Little wonder that as handsome and beautiful as we look, many of us carry some dangerous infections, nauseating and disgusting attitudes which is killing our marriages, businesses and society at large!
From another perspective, Jesus referred to us — God’s creations — as gods. It naturally makes sense that God created gods.
While this fact should make us ecstatic, the other side of it should make us sober.
Have you noticed that the other side of “god” is “dog”? I meant to say that when “god” is spelt from right to left, you’ll have “dog”.
Going by the “god” in us, we could do amazing things, achieve unusual results and go unimaginable length in touching lives.
Meanwhile, when the “dog” in us is let loose, we bark, we bite, and backbite. Cheating becomes as natural as eating.
We chew every evil we’re meant to eschew, and the star in us turns a monster!
(My book “3 – over – 3” on Amazon will shed more light on this. Order for a copy now.)
“When you feed the god, you starve and paralyze the dog”.
—– Oluseye TAIWO.