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These are tribes that still doesn’t wear clothes (PHOTOS)

There are few tribes that still live without clothes despite civilization. This is the custom in recent past though the custom is rapidly disappearing for many reasons and the most important being the rapid encroachment of modern customs into these cultures’ way of life.

It will be a loss to humanity if this diversity is lost. We should appreciate as it is part of our human history and legacy.

I have included pictures taken by modern anthropologists and sociologists who have visited these cultures. These pictures show appropriate, cultural nudity. They are not pornography and do not intend to be. If they would offend you, or you are otherwise not supposed to view such material, scroll no further.

These are some photos from the Xingu tribe in the Brazilian Amazon. Men wear a loincloth that covers their genitals. Women wear a thin belt of vegetable fiber around the waist. They wear anklets, bracelets and necklaces in everyday life, and elaborate headdresses for festivals. Women remove pubic hair.

These are also some photos from the Huaorani tribe in the Ecuadorian and Peruvian Amazon. The tribe’s traditional attire is nudity. Most adults wear a very thin belt of vegetable fiber around their waist. Men tuck their prepuce under it to hold their p####. The etiquette is that they keep the p#### tucked.