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VIDEO: Alfa caught on camera h@ving $$x with mad woman in Ibadan for rituals

In Ibadan, a man believed to be an Alfa was caught h@v!ng $$x with a mentally disturbed woman for ritual purposes.

In a video that has gone viral on Facebook, the Alfa is seen approaching the mad woman in a filthy backyard, where she is ly!ng on a c0ncrete floor with her head on a mat.

Watch the video HERE

The Alfa then glances around, takes his p*nt$ d0wn, looks around once more before having c@rn@l knowledge of the woman.

A male is heard repeating, “Yes, he’s sl33p!ng with her, yes, he’s sl33p!ng with her.”

“Stop speaking so loudly,” she tells him as they observe and video the Alfa doing the cr!me.

The woman was astounded that the same Alfa who preaches to others could commit such a terrible act.

The man filming can be heard constantly utter!ng the name of Jesus while expressing sh0ck.

“This event is occurring live in Ibadan, o. Christ. Ahhhh. A man of God in particular, “As he continues filming, he says.

At this point, the male is seen rising from the woman’s body and pulling his underwear and pants back up to his waist.

The woman then explains that “Alfas” such as the one is are tarnishing the name of true Alfas and men of God.

While the two are still reeling from the sh0ck, the Alfa opens a calabash, removes a white handkerchief from it, and wipes the insanity-stricken woman’s pr!v@te p0rt!on while making sure no one is watching.

They shout, “Jesus, he wants to use it for juju!”

The video concludes with the man leaving the insane woman in place.

The woman was m0tionl3ss all through the act which suggests she must have been hypn0t!zed.