“Whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have whispered behind closed doors will be shouted from the housetops for all to hear.” (Luke 12:3)
If you believe in secrets, the Bible just burst your bubble!
It simply says; everything that seems not to matter now will soon become “Matters Arising”.
No one suffers denial and betrayal like “Shame”.
A lot of people romance her in their closets but reject her in the public.
Wise people know that the power of Shame is in the secret.

Shame is like the seed of anything – corn, orange, mango……
She develops her muscles and momentum in the secret, waiting for the right moment to manifest.
Every thief looks like a Chief until he’s caught.
He who feeds on pornography will soon be known as a rapist or a defiler.
The student who doesn’t study will soon be famous for being stupid.
Every act of indiscipline is a breeding ground for shame.
Every shady activity is only waiting for the dawn; you’ve got to expose it before it exposes you.
He who covers a shameful act should never think he has buried it – he has just planted it.
•Oluseye TAIWO.