You must not muzzle an ox to keep it from eating as it treads out the grain.
Deuteronomy 25:4
Business is God’s idea. Entrepreneurship is His brainchild.
Like father Abraham, an entrepreneur ventures into an uncertainty.
He’s got no guarantee of payment, profit or salary.
She could buy from Dubai while no one buys from her.
An entrepreneur pleases God because he or she has no choice than to live by faith.
An employee might be proud and arrogant, but not an entrepreneur. He must but be humble and approachable……
But I have somewhat against you thou business man and woman, proprietor and proprietress, founder and CEO…..
Your workers are humans, not objects. They are more than mere stepping Stones for you to attain your goals.
When a worker is hungry, God is angry.
He who commanded that the non-worker shouldn’t eat is highly offended when the worker cannot feed.
God expects your minimum wage to at least achieve the minimum – feeding!
When the sweat of a worker could only produce food, it’s a curse. How much more when the sweat produces hunger!
Isaac talked about the field that is blessed. A field that cannot feed its workers is cursed.
Food is fuel. A salesgirl that lacks food sells like a fool. She steals without thinking.
Beloved founder, thou must cease to be a crayfish – massive head with tiny body!
Strive to be like “Mrs Naomi” who seeks rest for her worker.
Refuse to be like “Mr Laban” who is selfish and self centered.
When your staff is starving, you’re not an employer, but an exploiter.(Judgement!!!)
By Oluseye TAIWO.