By the Grace of the Grace, the recent reaction from the Presidency exposing Father Mbaka’s contract-soliciting mission to Aso Rock Villa confirms My earlier held view that smart Alecs in Cassock like Rev. Father Mbaka, are contractors who use intimidating doom prophecy as an arm-twisting tactics to defraud the high and mighty in society in order to sustain their business conglomerates in the name of Jesus.
The revelation therefore, serves as an eye-opener and a wake-up call on their unsuspecting but ignorant patrons.
It will be recalled that Mbaka, who, like Osama Bin Ladin, rebelled against the Vatican in Rome that raised him up when he realized that religion is a huge scam on the Blacks, as well as the fastest casino-money-spinner hence, decided to set up his own business conglomerate known as Adoration Ministry based in Emene, Enugu State.
As the only son of a renowned native doctor, Mbaka who co-opted and harnessed the ancestral powers in his town for enhanced clairvoyance, has become notorious over his partisan predilections and ecclesiastical doom predictions for politicians and other notary publics in the society for mundane materials ends as could be seen from the exposition. Hence, in line with Adoration Ministry, Mbaka has through this con-plan established chains of business lines that ranges from water bottling, alcoholic and soft drink factories, vegetable oil etc. It is equally on record that Mbaka has acquired more than half the vacant plots in Nike, Enugu State.
He enjoys monopoly and detests any form of competition in his business chains, yet he uses slave-labor to entrap members of his Adoration Ministry to work in those companies under specific guidelines that has left the workers with nothing at the end of the month. The work-policy ensures the recycling of money within Adoration conglomerate through compulsory tithe payment and sundry levies that left the poorly paid workers with no personal savings and even go aborrowing within the system in order to be subjugated to a state of perpetual subservience to Mbaka and his ministry, in the name of following the injunctions of the Creator who is never in the Church or Mosque.
Take for instance, accruing spoils expropriated from those who are not spiritually conscious and like guinea pigs are regularly sapped through doom predictions to donate tricycles that are leased out to members of Adoration Ministry at exorbitantly high rates, which beneficiaries are not able to liquidate by the time the Keke becomes scrap.
However, it will be unfair to assume that Mbaka, is the only culprit in this flourishing scam in the name of Jesus.
As a matter of fact, all the Daddy/Mummy GOs of the various religious business centres, who claim to have exclusive franchise of beholding God’s Presence to serve as His mouth-piece for delivering messages to those He has forsaken, even though they believe in His Omni Potent, Omni Present, Omni Scient powers, but are denied such privileges, are equally involved in pigsty business.
If you go to Redeem Church, worshippers are under threat that hell fire awaits them at death if they refuse to pay tithe and other levies. The church’s biggest scam is tagged “Covenant Partners.” Members are brainwashed to believe that God dishes out His grace and benevolence on pro-rata basis. That is to say, the capacity for one to pay up front, huge sums of money, preferably US dollars and Pound Sterling/Euros, the greater the dividends he/she receives from God in return. Notwithstanding that they are the ones to solicit for contract for their members, whereas going to church is to receive the link to create something like the bees making honey.
Recently, NewsWireNGR revealed that one Maxwell Odum, CEO of MBA Forex & Capital Investment who donated N 1 Billion to Christ Embassy Church and for the second year running (2020 & 2019) emerged as the highest donor in the church under their kalu-kalu machine tagged “LoveWorld Partners,” was arrested in April, 2021 for mismanaging N171 Billion in investor’s funds, just to be celebrated by the church. This is not the first-time fraudsters “donate” stolen monies to Christ Embassy Church for prayers and other behind the scene rituals used to charm the congregation to forget themselves and think about the church first.
Still on Christ Embassy, one can vividly recall the sad incident of one Lawrence Agada, a cashier at Sheraton Hotel, Lagos, who stole N9 million from the account of the hotel and when apprehended, confessed that he donated the stolen money to Christ Embassy Church as tithes and offerings. Many cases abound under different nomenclatures where church proprietors institutionalize fraudulent financial schemes to enrich themselves and enhance their capacity to acquire fleets of private jets and choice properties abroad. The church owners are having a good time, simply because their somnambulist followers are brainwashed to believe that this world is not their home, rather their real home is in heaven up in the sky and to get there, they must be up to date in paying tithe and sundry levies, smartly imposed by the GOs.
God as a Universal Divine Father, in His infinite love and mercy and compassion, will neither wish nor send messages of doom to His children through anybody. In the event of unforeseen dangers coming our way, He will only send messages on how to avert such dangers. Hence, the God who sends doom messages to His children is a demonic entity and has no right to be called God!
Hence, there is need for our people to rise above the demonic antics of these so-called men of God, who by their actions and utterances betrayed themselves as men of Satan, who are using the name of Jesus to further their evil game plan to sap our people who have been cut off from the source of their being, by abandoning our rich culture and tradition.
Once again, I am using this opportunity to remind our people for the need to go back to our culture and tradition in order to be totally free from the hands of these so-called men of God who use books to condition them for maximum exploitation in the misplaced belief of dying poor (both physically and spiritually) to see God for the salvation of their soul after death, yet nobody wants to die and go there.
All must endeavor to use Maharaj Ji, the Holy Name that never fails, in times of dangers/life challenges right from their rooms and The Satguru will be there to take care at a discount price of love.
I am therefore using this opportunity to remind the practitioners of this evil trade who create fear among our leaders in various spheres of our socio-economic, cultural and political life in order to defraud them of huge sums of money that My earlier ban on doom predictions still stands.
Hence, they should better call quits the evil practice or risk receiving the “kobo kobo” of Divinity since man reaps what he sows.
My Love and Blessings
Satguru Maharaj Ji
(Living Perfect Master)